You must find a way to love yourself: mistakes, regrets, weaknesses, and all. You are valuable and important, and to be happy you must discover a path that leads you to love yourself.

You Don’t Need to Be Perfect to Love Yourself

Even genius historical figures like Abraham Lincoln moved past failures to accomplish the extraordinary. Lincoln as an entrepreneur drove several businesses into the ground. He even claimed bankruptcy twice and was severely beaten in more than 25 campaigns for elected positions. His heroism and genius obviously were not hampered by his failures. Lincoln came to a point where he accepted who he was.

What Self-Love Means

Perfection is not necessary to love yourself or to achieve success, although most of you expect it of yourselves. Psychology Today explains that: You grow to love yourself by behaving in positive ways that help you physically, psychologically, and spiritually. You can’t let failure or imperfection keep you from growing love for yourself. This is a complicated psychological skill that you absolutely have to master through practice: loving yourself, without exceptions or qualifications.

Superpowers Develop As You Love Yourself

When you learn to love yourself, life will improve dramatically. Oh, you won’t be perfect or flawless, but you will acquire “superpowers” that will make your weaknesses trivial. Self-love empowers you with the mental toughness to accomplish your dreams and conquer any obstacles. As you begin to love yourself, your life falls into place, and you design your life around events that make you healthy and happy. The 10 superpowers below build on each other and create a new you: Awesome superpowers, right? They are well worth the effort. A Tedx Talk by Gala Darling titled Radical Self Love shows what is at stake in loving yourself, especially for women. Darling vividly describes the superpowers of self-love that can conquer depression and hopelessness. Darling’s radical self-love illustrates how desperately you need to learn to love yourself. Happiness arises from consistently loving yourself, unleashing your full potential for Lincoln-like genius and innovation. Humans possess no greater power. You can do this. You were made for it. Before you go, what are some strategies that you use to show love toward yourself? Do you find loving yourself challenging? I will respond to your comments, and I will appreciate them very much. Good luck in your pursuit of love. Featured photo credit: Joel Muniz via