They don’t fly by the seat of their pants.

Highly motivated people are planners. They like spontaneity in small doses; however, they make plans and anticipate bumps that are likely to come along as they go. If you want to follow the path of the highly motivated, then start each day by planning out your action steps. Identify the two of three most important things you want to accomplish every day, then go do them.

They don’t let goals run wild.

I’m all for setting goals. But if your list of goals is so large and unrealistic even Steve Jobs would’ve had trouble tackling them, it’s time to re-evaluate. Write down each of your goals and make sure they’re “SMART”:

Simple Measurable Attainable Realistic Time-driven

They don’t try and do it all alone.

Highly motivated people lean on their support crew, especially when they’re struggling. Trying to do it all yourself is a common trait of entrepreneurs and go-getters. But the sooner you start asking for help, the easier your life will get.

They don’t take the easy way out.

The easier way isn’t always the best way. Sometimes it’s best to push yourself outside your comfort zone and try an approach that seems a little off-the-wall. That’s what highly motivated people do. They challenge themselves and take every opportunity to learn from those experiences.

They don’t neglect themselves.

Want to be highly successful? Then start making yourself a priority. Living for others is admirable and virtuous. But at the end of the day, the most important person in your life is you.

They don’t stop learning.

Folks who are highly motivated keep on learning until the day they die. Stuck in a rut and searching for motivation? Then find a book about a topic you’re interested in but know nothing about and dig in. You’ll often find inspiration and motivation in places you least expect it.

They don’t waste time.

In Charles Duhigg’s book, The Power of Habit, he points to research that shows we have a limited capacity for willpower each day. This means if you’re wasting time on meaningless tasks, then you’re less likely to stay motivated. So set a schedule for checking email and Facebook and limit your time watching TV. Then watch as your motivation levels rise and you get more done each day.

They don’t stop believing.

Turns out the cheesy Journey ballad actually has some science to support it. Research shows that being optimistic can increase your motivation and get you closer to accomplishing your goals.

They don’t live with regrets.

We all make mistakes. That’s part of life. But the past is behind you, so leave it there and don’t look back. There’s no point stressing over decisions you made that didn’t pan out the way you wanted. What’s done is done. There’s only the present. So move on and focus your time and energy on living this moment to its fullest.

They don’t go a day without giving thanks.

Perhaps the biggest change in my daily motivation came about when I realized the importance of being grateful. Not just once in a while either‒every single day. Start each day by giving thanks for your life and the lives of those your love most, and you’ll find your levels of motivation soar to levels you never knew they could reach.