“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.” – Charles Bukowski

1. You shouldn’t hide your intellectuality

You are knowledgeable. You are strong mentally and you see the world from a holistic angle. You are not one sided. You are not in a loss on what to say to your environment. Yet you hide it. Yet you are afraid that once you say something people will pose a defensive threat.

2. You shouldn’t hide your awareness

You are well traveled and have been to several places. You are a reservoir of experience and what exciting thoughts you could share. Let other people know that you have some social substance and that you can see beyond their facade. Let them gain from your experience and your awareness.

3. You shouldn’t hide your intensity

There is passion and energy in you. And yes this can be intimidating to those who do not have it. you should flaunt it and get out of the way to prove that what changes everything isn’t simply sitting down and folding arms.

4. You shouldn’t hide your beauty

Yes you are sexy, but you hide that figure in long overalls. Yes you have the right curves, but you prefer to cover them in inappropriate clothes. You got the lovely eyes, yet you hide them in sunglasses. There is no point in hiding such things as your looks. Flaunt it and use it as a weapon for success.

5. You shouldn’t hide your good nature

You are kind and you have a caring personality. You warm up to others and you really wish the world was a better place. But you hide your good-nature spirit because you are afraid the world will take advantage of who you are.

6. You shouldn’t hide your scars

“Once you’ve accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you.” ― George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones Whether emotional or physical scars, having those scars shows that you have passed through a funnel of becoming. You are not who you were and somehow these experiences have made you tough. Let the world see your scars and listen to your story, who knows what value you would have rendered?

7. You shouldn’t hide your humor

People have lost their sense of humor because they feel the world around them wants them to be so serious. Laughter and humor is good for the soul. Why don’t you share your brightness and offer it to the world.

8. You shouldn’t hide your authenticity

You are real. But certain people love lies and think that the fake ones are a great sell. But you do not need to be like one of those. Be who you are. Be real and genuine to yourself and to those who surround you. Such truthfulness would add greater character to who you are.

9. You shouldn’t hide your beliefs

It is easy to be intimidated by those who don’t share your thoughts, opinions or beliefs on certain subjects. Because you want to gain acceptance by these ones, you suddenly get a cold feet and hide your beliefs. You stick to other people’s opinion because you do not know what they will say when they listen to what you have to say. Well it is either they respect you or they are not deserving of being around you. Air your beliefs and never hide what opinion you have on a topic.

10. You shouldn’t hide your skills

Whatever talents or skills the Creator has blessed you with please use it as a contribution to the development of our world. People with great skills are rare, but the world needs them. The world needs you too. Featured photo credit: http://www.pixabay.com via pixabay.com