It is never too late to start working on finding your confidence – check out 12 ways you can become a more confident person.

1. Monitor Your Work Success

Tracking your progress at work will give you actual proof of your recent successes and accomplishments – write down everything, even the little achievements.

2. Try Something New Once A Week

Instead of shying away from new events and activities, grab life by the horns and say ‘yes’ to something new once a week. Learning new skills and trying new things is one of the most fun ways you can build up confidence.

3. Stand Up Straight

Don’t walk with your shoulder slumped and your eyes looking down – instead, walk with your back straight and don’t avoid eye contact. This will make you look self-assured and confident, and looking the part will help you to feel more confident on the inside.

4. Talk To New People

Try starting up a conversation with a co-worker or a cashier. You may be surprised by how friendly people are, and this will help you to shed any fears you have about speaking up in high pressure situations.

5. Write Down Something You Love About Yourself Everyday

Every morning, write down something you love about yourself. From your hairstyle to your kindness, it is important to be aware of how great you actually are. The more you love yourself, the more confident you will feel.

6. Do An Activity That Makes You Feel Confident

Are you an excellent swimmer, or a great artist? Do an activity that makes you feel confident at least once a week to remind yourself that you are skilled and proficient.

7. Ignore Your Inner Critic

Everyone has the voice of self-doubt in their head; confident people just understand that the voice is negative and inaccurate. Don’t listen to the voice that says you can’t achieve – realize that it is just a voice, and it will always try to hold you back.

8. Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

There will always be someone who is more confident, and if you focus on this you won’t see that you are still more confident than many other people. Everyone has different goals and targets; set your own instead of taking someone else’s and you will feel more confident within yourself.

9. Use Affirmations

Look in the mirror every morning and tell yourself ‘I am becoming more confident’. This reminds you to focus on becoming more confident, and while you may feel silly the first time you do it, over time you will notice it feels more and more accurate.

10. Try To Be More Spontaneous

If you are likely to decline doing something without a reason, ask yourself why you are always inclined to say no. This often shows fear; fear of being ignored, fear of being bored, fear of the unknown. Realize that life will pass you by with this attitude and try to become more of a ‘yes’ person. The world is not a scary place – it is filled with beauty and fun, and realizing this will help you to gain confidence.

11. Avoid People Who Put You Down

Cut anyone out of your life who lowers your confidence and makes you feel small. Surround yourself with people who will bring you up and support you, not drag you down and make you doubt yourself.

12. Ask A Loved One How To Build Your Self-Confidence

Ask for confidence advice from someone who knows you well and loves you. They will have helpful suggestions on how you can build your self-confidence that are personalized to you.