If you don’t want to be a victim of this scheme, here are some ways that you can protect yourself from identity thieves.

1.Don’t post personal information online.

Your name should be enough to reveal your identity to the people who actually know you. Posting your home address, telephone number, email address, and other social media profiles all in one place can make it very easy for thieves to duplicate your identity. As much as possible avoid sharing those details publicly, especially your bank information and social security number.

2.Don’t use the same email and password for all of your accounts.

A lot of people make this mistake, which only enables thieves to access more of their accounts. Using the same email and password for all of your social media profiles may seem acceptable but with the prevalent security breaches online, it’s not a risk worth taking. Mix and match your email and passwords for all of your online accounts.

3.Use mobile verification.

Gmail, Facebook, Twitter and other select networks have mobile verification that notifies you via SMS if your account was accessed in a suspicious place, like abroad or at a different state. The person who logged in will also be asked for a verification number which he or she won’t be able to access since they don’t have your mobile phone.

4.Save your passwords in a secret place.

Using multiple passwords can make it hard for you to remember all of them, but you can save a copy in a secure location. Instead of saving them on your computer, write your passwords down in a small notebook which you keep safely in your home. You can also write them in unusual places like at the back of your favorite book.

5.Don’t throw away bills and other documents that contain sensitive information.

Bank statements, utility bills, and other documents that contain your name, account number, birth date, social security number, and other personal data should never be thrown in the garbage. You can burn or shred them so that no one can get your information from them.

6. Don’t give away your ID numbers.

If anyone online asks for your ID number for any particular reason, don’t give it. If you know the person and the reason for asking your ID number is valid, you can meet somewhere and share information there. However, ID numbers are only needed for particular transactions, so you should already be wary if anyone asks you for it.

7.Be careful when sharing on social media.

What you share can be used against you, especially if it’s accessible to the public. Identity thieves can create a brand new account and use your name, photos, and other updates to make their accounts look legitimately yours. Likewise, if you always post where you’re going or what you’re doing, the thieve can take the plot to the next level and find an opportunity to steal from your home.

8.Mix up your activities and routines.

Identity thieves can easily track your routines if you do the same things repetitively, especially if you post about them online. A smart thief can use these routines to make your fake identity even more convincing. It’s also easier to steal personal paraphernalia from you if you’re easy to track down.

9.Be mindful about unusual activity in your accounts.

If you see a status update on your wall which you didn’t write, it’s time to change your password. Anything that doesn’t make sense should already alert you. Don’t be lenient, especially if you have plenty of assets that can be stolen.

10.Install a security system in your home.

Some identity thieves are also stalkers and they might frequent your home without your knowledge. Having a security system will keep thieves out, especially those who are already very familiar with your house.

11.Report any threatening or weird messages that you receive.

If you have a stalker, it’s likely that you will receive usual messages like “I saw you” or “I know what you did”. Don’t ignore these. Report them to your network provider so you can change your mobile number or block that number.

12.Don’t trust people easily—especially on the Internet.

A virtual identity is very easy to copy, and if you’re not careful, you might be the one handing identity thieves the information they need. Be mindful about the people you interact with online. You should also have a secure connection to keep your computer protected at all times. Using a SSD cloud VPS hosting service will help you achieve this. On the Internet, safety is a major concern. You should always be careful with your personal information and take precautionary measures to avoid identity theft and other cybercrimes. If you don’t give thieves what they need, they will never be able to steal anything from you. Last, but not least, be careful when buying products online. Featured photo credit: Ways To Protect Yourself From Identity Theft via google.com