Table of Contents
1. Backpfeifengesicht, German. Ever see someone that just absolutely needs to get five-across-the-face?#
2. Bakku-shan, Japanese. Ever see a woman walking away and start chasing after her…until she turns around?#
3. Waldeinsamkeit, German. The woods can be a lonely place.#
4. Pochemuchka, Russian. What does it mean? But why? Can you explain it to me? Please?#
5. Aware, Japanese. Charlie in The Perks of Being a Wallflower described this as feeling “infinite.”#
6. Prozvonit, Czech. If you don’t have any minutes left on your monthly plan, just pull this little switcheroo.#
7. Rire dans sa barbe, French. Is this why Santa always appears so jolly?#
8. Lieko, Finnish. Watch out for that lieko when fishing!#
9. Komorebi, Japanese. Ever feel like you’re in a spotlight while walking through the woods?#
10. Wabi-Sabi, Japanese. It’s the circle of liiiife…#
11. Schadenfreude, German. Ha! He definitely deserved that.#
12. Iluba, Bantu. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me three times, never speak to me again.#
13. Iktsuarpok, Inuit. C’mon, you said you’d be here ten minutes ago!#
14. Utepils, Norwegian. Don’t mind if I do!#
15. Shlimazl, Yiddish. In other words: me.#