Check out 15 things independent people don’t do.

1. They Don’t Need Help Handling Situations

Independent people prefer to handle their own situations, even the good ones. They dislike others speaking for them and feel powerful for making their own decisions. From a new job offer to what to buy at the supermarket, independent people often avoid asking others for advice.

2. They Don’t See Themselves As Victims

People who see themselves as victims often need others to save them, whereas independent people prefer to take responsibility for their actions. They understand that self-pity can get you down, so they avoid this way of thinking. Instead, they accept their mistakes and move on.

3. They Don’t Overreact To Bad News

Independent people try to learn from all of their mistakes rather than hoping someone else will fix them. They do not overreact when confronted with bad news—they see mistakes as a learning process that will help them to make better decisions in the future.

4. They Don’t Blindly Believe Everything

Independent people question the world around them, and often seek the truth, rather than accepting the first thing they hear. They understand that trust is a gift that must be earned and regularly question people and authorities.

5. They Don’t Let Negative People Affect Them

Independent people do not let negative people bring them down–they do not need reassurance about their lives, and they are too busy getting on with life to pay much thought to negative comments.

6. They Don’t Judge Others With Different Opinions

Independent people understand that it is wrong to look down on others. They accept other people’s beliefs. They know that their personal experiences and independent lifestyle helped to form their opinions and they understand different people have different personal experiences. They don’t feel the need to argue about opinions, as they are secure in their own beliefs—instead, they are more likely to let the subject go so they can focus on any similarities they may have.

7. They Avoid Being Negative About Others

Independent people are too busy getting on with their own lives to involve themselves in the lives of others. People who comment negatively on other people’s lives often have empty, dull lives themselves—someone who is independent would take the time to fill their own lives with joy and meaning, rather than bring others down.

8. They Don’t Let Impulse Rule Them

While everyone can be occasionally impulsive, independent people do not let impulses rule their lives. They try to remain in control of their lives at all times, so they understand the possible consequences of being impulsive. If the impulse could take away their independence—such as a financial risk—they may be less likely to go through with it.

9. They End Bad Relationships

From romantic relationships to friendships, independent people end any relationship that has become toxic. Independent people do not rely on many people, and negative actions from others will rarely deeply affect them—they will simply cut their losses and move on.

10. They Don’t Neglect Their Well-being

An essential part of being truly independent is being able to take care of your own physical and mental needs. Independent people try to ensure they get everything their body needs, from food and water to sleep and socializing. They don’t have to rely on other people to socialize, and their mom doesn’t need to remind them to eat their greens—they get it done anyway.

11. They Do Not Need Approval From Others

Independent thinkers trust their own judgement more than others, so they rarely ask others if they approve of their decisions. They trust that they had enough information to make an educated decision, and that itself is enough.

12. They Don’t Take Too Long To Make Decisions

If you are an independent thinker, you will see there are rarely any good reasons to put off making a decision—especially since they understand the decision is their choice and no one else’s. Independent thinkers assess all of the information available to them, and use it to make a reasonable and quick decision.

13. They Don’t Believe Every Question Has Been Answered

Independent thinkers are often naturally curious, and they don’t believe every question has been answered. They also believe some questions are too complex to be answered by a simple textbook explanation.

14. They Don’t Let Others Tell Them What Is Right

Independent people do not let society and other people tell them how to behave or what is right and wrong. Instead, they use all of the information available to them to make sure they can find the most accurate answer.

15. They Don’t Have Unrealistic Expectations

Having unrealistic expectations is a sure-fire way to end up feeling unhappy and dissatisfied. An important part of being a strong, independent person is to be realistic about your skills, abilities, and expectations—this way you can focus on achieving genuine personal goals.