1. They understand solitude

Reading a wonderful book requires a level of being alone, away from distractions and interruptions. They don’t understand socializing or being everywhere at once, but being alone magnifies the excitement of gaining more knowledge.

2. They understand the uniqueness of a book

They know watching a movie adaptation of a book can never be like reading the actual thing. They would prefer to read and challenge their imaginations rather than be consumed by any other medium.

3. They understand what a hard copy of a book means

They understand the smell that emanates from a book and it adds to the excitement of reading it. It is not the same than reading on a Kindle or an I-pad.

4. They understand the relevance of a book

They know that a book adds to the true nature of our existence. Lending you a book is a nightmare for them. They find it so difficult to let go of their books.

5. They understand connections can be made through books

Yes connections with characters, places, and even the author can be made through reading a book. It is like freedom from themselves and the exploration of a new place and time.

6. They understand the emotions that come with a good book

There are times when they finish a book and they are so caught in the drama that they could cry, laugh or wish it was rewritten to suit their expectations.

7. They understand a good book could mean another sleepless night

They don’t like to be interrupted and a good book can be so consuming they don’t want to sleep. A good book means needing to finish it and knowing what happens at the end as soon as they can.

8. They understand the true value of a book

This could mean a serious toll in their bank account or walking ten miles to borrow a book from a local library. They know what the essence of a book is to their intellectual growth and they are willing to pay the price to get one.

9. They understand they can only build great friendships with other book lovers

Friendships with someone else means digging deep into what he or she has read and how intellectually rich he or she is. They understand cultivating friendships means also discussing about favorite authors, exchanging books, and obsessing about fictional characters together.

10. They prefer books to people

They understand books can be a helpful therapy through distressing times and could be a better source of comfort than words from another person.

11. They understand a perfect holiday is spent with a book

Since books could offer them a transition to a different place and time, they would prefer to either include it in a perfect holiday or make reading one their ideal vacation experience.

12. They understand that starting a book could be hard…

Starting a book could mean a lot of expectations, excitement and desires. Once you start a book it becomes hard to stop and let it go.

13. …And finishing it can be even harder

While reading a book can come with a lot of expectations, finishing it can be disappointing and leave you exhausted. And no book lover would want to be told about the end of a book until he or she reaches it.

14. They never have a favorite book

They have read so many wonderful books, it is difficult to have one as a favorite pick. And it is difficult to answer such a question if they are ever interrogated about this.

15. They understand that no other activity can be as worthy as reading

Reading takes most of your time and it is what your world revolves around. Doing any other activity doesn’t mean much and can quickly lead to disinterest or you fantasizing about a book. Featured photo credit: A young lovely woman relax reading an absorbing novel in beautiful the park via shutterstock.com