Being the big sister, you feel a certain pressure to be a good example, show your support, and look out for the others’ best interests. But as you inevitably don’t live up to these expectations (at least, not all the time) you realize that you don’t have to be all these things to them – that these things are what you are to each other. Like good sisters, you take turns. As sisters, you make promises – solemn pinky swears – that you will be there for each other in every way. Here are 20 promises to keep your sisterhood thriving, loving, and full of mischief!

20 Promises for Sisters

  1. I promise to be your wing-girl for life. If you need a date to that awkward dinner party or to go watch the movie that no one else wants to see – I’m your gal!
  2. I promise not to embarrass you too much. (BTW, you’re not allowed to disown me. Mom said!)
  3. I promise to not disown you. This relationship goes both ways.
  4. I promise to pick you up whenever you need a ride. Call me your personal airport shuttle service.
  5. I promise to cover for you. No amount of parental pressure will get me to throw you under the bus. (Circle of trust!)
  6. I promise to keep all your secrets. Especially the ones that involve both of us.
  7. I promise I will be your alibi. (Just keep me in the loop!)
  8. I promise to have your back in any scuffle unless it’s with another sister, then like fractions, I’m canceled out!
  9. I promise you can call me any time – day or night. You may have to do the ring–text–ring thing so I know you really want me to answer your call, but confidently know you’re on that short call list of favorites.
  10. I promise, if it’s an emergency, I will drop everything to be there for you. You name it, anywhere and anytime! (#RideorDie)
  11. I promise to give you a kidney if you need one. Mom would want me to.
  12. I promise to babysit your children free of charge while you have date night.
  13. I promise to keep your kids safe.
  14. I promise, and God forbid if anything ever happens to you, your children will be loved, supported, and know every wonderful thing you ever did in your spectacular life.
  15. I promise to be kind to my brother-in-laws because I know their pain – just kidding!
  16. I promise to tell you when your outfit will set off the fashion police, as well as tell you when you look fabulous by saying, “Beyoncé would approve!” (Don’t hate on a sister!)
  17. I promise to be your biggest cheerleader. All your accomplishments, big and small are worth celebrating with cake in my book!
  18. I promise, you never have to pretend to be someone you’re not when you are around me. Sister to sister – your uniqueness inspires me.
  19. I promise to accept you as you are. Your cray-cray is my kind of cray-cray. I love how we get each other. No one else can read my mind!
  20. I promise to love you unconditionally – forever. Comment below and add to this quirky list of sisterly promises! By the way, these promises are also extended to best friends – sisterhood love has no bounds. A healthy relationship between sisters is when the love shared is unconditional, the support given is compassionate, and the happiness of everyone involved is considered. Now go hug your sister!