If you are serious about furthering your personal growth, then it’s a good idea to ask yourself the following four questions on a regular basis. They can all act as powerful triggers for self-reflection. Each question will help you assess whether or not you have lived a truly great 2016 and help you in your 2017 journey to ensure you live an even greater year.

#1 Have you become more positive?

A positive mindset is the key to success in every area of your life. Until you learn to spot and grab a hold of the opportunities that surround you, then much of your potential will be wasted. Furthermore, it’s much easier to be productive and recover from setbacks if you can maintain an upbeat frame of mind. Were you able to look on the bright side in 2016, or did you find yourself slipping into a negative state from time to time? Some people seem to naturally be more positive than others, but with practice, anyone can teach themselves to look for silver linings in even the bleakest of situations. If you are already positive, make it a priority in 2017 to hold onto this invaluable mentality!

#2 Have you learned more about your strengths and weaknesses?

Taking an honest look at your personal strengths and weaknesses can be challenging. Not only is it hard to be honest with ourselves, but we are all complex creatures who behave differently depending on the situation, our mood, and many other factors. This is why it’s worth taking the time to evaluate where you currently shine and the areas in which you could stand to improve. What has gone well over the past year and what could you have done differently? Make a plan for the next few months that will allow you to improve your weaker areas and reinforce your strengths even further. No one is perfect, but you can help yourself along the path to self-fulfillment by being willing to examine your unique profile of skills, talents, and future ambitions.

#3 Have you discovered more about what you really want?

What you want most from life will change as you age. For example, in your late teens and early twenties, your focus may be securing a college degree and then progressing up the first few rungs of the career ladder. However as time goes on, you may find that your key want and need is for a long-term relationship, spiritual development, or starting a family. As you reflect back on 2016, consider whether your main wants and needs have changed over the past 12 months. If so, do you need to adjust your plans or lifestyle to move closer to attaining your dreams? If your desires have remained unchanged, have you taken appropriate steps in 2016 to help yourself inch closer to your goals?

#4 Have you made at least one breakthrough in your work or personal life?

You don’t always have to perform great feats or heroic deeds to make progress when it comes to personal growth. As long as you are willing to step outside your comfort zone, then you are travelling in the right direction. Think about any challenges you have overcome in 2016. Have you conquered any fears or realized any ambitions? Whether or not these breakthroughs feel life-changing, congratulate yourself for daring to push yourself further and moving closer to the person you want to be. Examining your life and drawing up a plan for the coming year may be a daunting prospect, but self-reflection is the best way of assuring that you are on the right track. Even if you feel as though 2016 was not an especially good year, 2017 is just around the corner. Why not strive to make it the best 12 months of your life?