1. Take life as it comes when there is no clear pathway for you to follow.

Truthfully no one knows what will happen next. You may have the best laid plans and it still could go wrong for you. Events could change suddenly before you know it, and before you even have time to prepare. The best way around the rough edges in life is to be optimistic and to accept that we live in a world of constant changes. Expect the best but never be a victim when the worst comes to pass. All you have to do is steady your thoughts and be willing to adapt to whatever circumstances come your way. Be the player who is willing to play with the cards that they are dealt.

2. We are all blessed with the present for a reason: to take advantage of the moment we are currently living, letting go of the bad things we were told in the past

Stop living a life of regrets, dwelling on all the ways in which you were wronged in the past. The past is where it is: the past. You have the present, and it’s a gift that can make things right; you can use it to fix things and make the future ideal for yourself and those around you. There is no reason to let the burden of guilt or worry hang over you still; it is up to you to take action and make every second of this moment that you are living count.

3. Everything is temporary, and steered by the omnipotence of nature

There is nothing that stays constant. What keeps life in balance are the changing seasons and the other changing patterns of nature. So, after a night there is day; after a storm there is sunshine, and after wind comes calm. The truth is that things change, people change, and desires and needs change. Nothing stays constant. And even the optimist knows that we have to appreciate the good times when they come so that we do not spend all our days consumed by the bad times that will also arrive. Nothing is permanent, after all.

4. You have no control over the day you were born or the day that you die, but you do have control over what you do in between those days

What you do with your life and your time here on earth is your responsibility. While there are a lot of things we have no control over, we have control over our thoughts and actions. The best way we can make use of this power is through making positive changes to our world through acting and thinking in an optimistic way. Take charge of what you are able to own!

5. The limits we have in life are the ones we set for ourselves

You can become whatever you want to be. You have amazing possibilities before you that you should never take for granted. While others may try to belittle you and your potential, it is up to you to prove to yourself and to others that you are willing to take what you deserve. To be able to tap into this you must possess an enormous amount of self-belief. Never take yourself for granted. Learn to embrace the sometimes challenging route to the amazing possibilities before you.

6. We all have the right to choose if we want to be happy or not

Don’t ever give your right to be happy up for anyone else. The truth is that happiness is a choice. You may not be excited all the time, but you can possess a frame of mind that is content and satisfied. You can bring a positive perspective to every situation that comes your way and rise to the occasion. Featured photo credit: http://www.pixabay.com via pixabay.com