Don’t get me wrong, it’s important to once in a while take a day, maybe even two, and give your body some time to rest away from your work life. However, it isn’t always the most effective approach when you’re feeling mentally exhausted. In fact, being a couch potato could actually result in you feeling more mentally drained. Below I’ve listed some effective ways to recharge your mind when your emotional health starts feeling drained.

1. Change up Your Routine

It really can be hard to not fall into a routine. Every day you’re doing the same thing over and over, but breaking up that routine can be a really good way to stop feeling mentally exhausted. Make a point to challenge yourself to do something totally new once a week. If you’re feeling really enthusiastic, try doing something new once a day. It can be something simple. For example, instead of taking your usual way to work, take a different one that may be more scenic. Think about activities that make you feel good and feed your soul, and start doing them. When your mind is opened to new ways of thinking and perceiving, you tend to be much happier overall.

2. Keep a Journal

Keeping a journal is a great way to relieve stress and get it all out on paper.[1] It can be helpful down the road because it gives you the opportunity to look back and reflect on the progress you’ve made in your life, even when you were feeling mentally exhausted. Journaling also jolts your creativity, builds confidence, boosts comprehension, and encourages you to follow through with goals. It shouldn’t be something that makes you put pressure on yourself; you don’t need to have an entry for every day either. Write down what comes to mind, and you’ll feel such a release when you’ve finished. Make it a priority to write in your journal a few times a week. Eventually, you’ll find writing to be an outlet for recharging your brain and avoiding feeling drained. Here’re some tips for you to kickstart journaling: Writing Journal for a Better and More Productive Self (The How-To Guide)

3. Meditate

You may have seen this one coming. There are so many articles and people out there who rant and rave about the benefits of meditation, but it truly works. Roughly 80 percent of doctor visits are for stress-related issues. A lot of money and time can be saved if you learn to practice self-care through meditation. It can reduce stress, boost immunity, improve sleep, and can quite possibly increase happiness. Five minutes a day is really all you need. Over time you may find meditating more than once a day for longer periods of time is even more beneficial for your mental well-being[2].

As a side note, people who consistently meditate are usually more rational and feel less anxiety when they are confronted with challenges.[3] Obviously, this means it’s a great technique to avoid feeling mentally exhausted. If you’ve never meditated before, this article is for you: How Do You Meditate? 8 Meditation Techniques for Complete Beginners

4. Re-evaluate Your Relationships

Having relationships is very important, but it’s even more important to really be mindful of how healthy they are to avoid feeling mentally exhausted. You may find that you have a few toxic relationships in your life. It may seem difficult to end these relationships because oftentimes you grow to be comfortable in them. Sadly, dysfunctional relationships may become a normal part of life, and you may not realize how mentally exhausting they can be. Take time to be mindful of all your relationships. It’s crucial to reassess and decide whether they are adding value to your life and well-being. In toxic romantic relationships, you can become mentally drained when you’re putting energy into something that just may not be right. People who are mindful of their relationships typically tend to be more confident in their own judgment.

5. Get Some Exercise

Exercise isn’t just beneficial for your overall well-being and weight loss; it’s helpful for when you’re feeling mentally drained as well. You don’t need to get a gym membership to get activity in. We’re all busy, but setting aside just 30 minutes a day for physical activity can really make all the difference. Multiple studies have shown the value of exercise in boosting your concentration and mental focus.[4] With a daily 30-minute workout, blood flow to the brain increases, you improve your mood, creativity, and memory, and falling asleep gets significantly easier. Here are 5 Ways to Find Time for Exercise when you’re busy.

6. Ditch Your Ego

Be mindful of your soul and do what makes you happy. This can get confused with doing something that brings you a sense of achievement. That feeling of achievement won’t always necessarily bring you joy. Spending a few extra hours at work to get things done can be productive, but powering through can ultimately cause you to feel mentally exhausted. Allow yourself to buy the shoes you’ve been wanting to buy for weeks, or take a spontaneous weekend trip with friends or your significant other. In the grand scheme of things, our time on earth really is short. Whatever it may be that you choose to do, do it because it truly brings genuine joy to your soul.

The Bottom Line

While lying in bed for days on end can feel like the perfect solution when you’re feeling tired and mentally exhausted, it may not be the most effective way to get back on your feet and improve your mental health. Try some of the above solutions and find what works best for you and your unique situation.

More Tips for Energizing Your Mind

15 Ways to Boost Mental Energy Levels What Is Mentally Tired? 11 Ways to Combat Brain Exhaustion How Not to Feel Overwhelmed at Work & Take Control of Your Day

Featured photo credit: ZACHARY STAINES via

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