1. I am more relaxed
When I first took up meditation I had been employed at a large corporation for only two days, so I was extremely stressed out and tensed. After starting to meditate for 5 minutes daily, increasing the amount of time each week, I noticed how I became a lot more relaxed. My natural anxious personality was somewhat muted and I stopped being put off by small incidents. On the long run, this made me a better team player and a better problem-solver.
2. I don’t have moods anymore
Many people have moods, which can alter their professional conduct. Especially in women, these moods can make them more impulsive and make them prone to crying at work. There is no doubt nowadays jobs put a lot of pressure on the employees, so getting help from meditation in leveling your moods can make you a better employee, as well as a better person.
3. I got multiple promotions
As everyone at work noticed my emotional stability and newly found productivity, I got multiple promotions. My managers told me they saw how I became a lot more stable and calmer, even under high pressure. They saw how I was able to take difficult decisions in a short time and they decided I would make a great manager. All these were due to my new habit of meditating, which made me a calm and assertive person, who could manage well tight deadlines and risky situations.
4. Guided meditation helped me make peace with my inner voice
My entire life I struggled to fall asleep and focus, as my “inner voice” was screaming out loud. After I took up meditation, I noticed just how many thoughts were roaming in my head at the same time. As I advanced with meditation, I also took up yoga classes, which helped me mute my “inner voice” and make peace with my thoughts. Needless to say, this helped me focus at better at my job and increased my productivity.
5. My social skills improved
As I learned to shut down my thoughts, I became a better listener. People came to me for advice and I often found myself motivating my team. I was able to calm other people down and make them realize what really mattered at the end of the day. Meditation improved my social skills, because I learned how to listen to people, be calm and relaxed. Then you can easily overcome socially challenging situations, like speaking in front of crowds or making peace between two workers. For someone who had trouble listening to people, this was a major change, brought on by meditation.
6. I learned to love my job
Probably the most important benefit of meditation was the fact that it helped me love my job. It’s not glamorous to stay at the office from 9 to 5, sometimes working overtime, answering mails and completing reports. At first, I hated this boring job. But as I learned who I was and how to control myself, I also learned to love my job. I began to see the small, beautiful things at the office. How my colleague was bringing in fresh flowers daily, how another one was burning scented candles and how one of the top managers was always telling us a bad joke at the start of the day. These small things meant a lot. And I realized I loved my job, despite all the long hours and boring work. There are many more benefits of meditation one can talk about, but you have to start practicing it, in order to enjoy all of them. The sooner, the better! Featured photo credit: Unsplash via hd.unsplash.com