Here are 7 facts that will resonate with all my fellow foodies:

1. We are resurrecting traditional ingredients

We know a lot about all those ingredients that have fallen out of fashion, and we take pleasure and pride in sharing them when we cook for friends. Look at the celery root, for example. It looks awful — but if you remove the outer layer, you get a delicious combo of tastes, like parsley and celery. It is great for winter dishes. Resurrecting native plants and ingredients such as mesquite-pod flour and prickly pear cactus fruit are two more examples.

2. We are misunderstood by the masses

Yes, you have to grit your teeth and bite your lip when you hear people talking about us as “food snobs.” They think we are flaunting our knowledge of food and delicious undiscovered dishes just to prove that we are superior to everyone else and that we are extremely picky eaters. Now, who says that everyone has to like everything? Can’t wait to sample those halibut cheeks or caviar on scrambled eggs for lunch!

3. We love sharing food

We are food missionaries getting the message out to the masses that sustainability and organic are the keys to paradise. We write blogs and articles which serve as the gospel. We love going out to eat and discovering weird and wonderful dishes such as curried roasted acorn squash or vegan lemon berry ice box tart at new eateries. We are going to convert the masses and benefit all mankind. Tell me, have you met anybody who is not interested in food?

4. We tend to judge people on the food they order

You know the scene. You date someone for the first time and of course, you go out to eat. Of course we will form impressions and judge the new date on what they order! I know it is harsh but we shudder as they gulp their food without savoring it or letting it rest and linger on their palate. Is waiting just one more second to do this too much for them? You doubt that this relationship will ever take off if he or she does not appreciate their food.

5. We watch food porn

It is all part of our addiction. We love looking at all those delicious recipes prepared with loving hands and presented so beautifully and artistically. Then we take photos of our own food when we are invited out. The addiction takes hold of us as we shop for food and we can’t wait to eat at the next reputable restaurant. We think nothing of travelling 20 miles to find the correct berries for a tart. We dream and fantasize about our passion 24/7. Instagram is the go to source for our sinful pleasures.

6. We know our restaurants

Everyone should appreciate how well we know our favorite restaurants at home and abroad. Paris, France is a hot favorite. Locally, we also have inside information because we know one or even two of the servers and we also know which days they are working. Because we are on the fast track, we can get first choice on dishes that are supposedly sold out. We also know some of the secret dishes that are not even mentioned on the menu.

7. We are experts at meal prepping

You should know by now that we will do everything in our power to avoid those fast food places at lunchtime when we are at work. This means we have to become expert at meal prepping. This is when we do a cook-in so that all our lunches are prepared in advance and it saves us a ton of time and money. We know exactly what we are going to eat every day of the week for lunch! Also, we are experts at using the latest soft-sided containers which are BPA-free and can be stored flat as well. Finally, let us put one stereotype about foodies to rest which is that we are likely to be overweight from all that eating. Absolute rubbish. The Cornell Food and Brand Lab surveyed about 500 women who were into beef tongue and kimchi and other foodie fads such as yuzu and grits. They claimed to be extremely active and interested in nutrition. They also, not surprisingly, loved cooking and were more than willing to invite friends to dinner to try out their latest discoveries. (These people are known as food neophiles, by the way.) The researchers discovered that they all had lower BMIs. As Dr. Brian Wansik of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab remarks: It’s so true! Featured photo credit: Taste of Ethiopia, Doro Wot, Lamb Tibbs, and Yemisisr Wot, served on injera/ Kimberly Vardeman via