If that sounds familiar, don’t worry. Sometimes we just need to choose an option and make the most of it. But in case you often cannot make a decision, here are some things you can do to make it easier.

1. Don’t overanalyze it.

Most people tend to overthink the situation, even if it’s a simple one we encounter daily. We often waste time deciding what to wear, whether to call someone or not and what to eat for each meal. In cases like that, there’s no wrong option really. So just do it. Take action right away before your brain has the chance to think of different scenarios and confuse you.

2. Automate some decisions.

Every time you make a choice, no matter how small or random, you’re investing some of your decision making capabilities. And it’s a finite resource. That’s why most people indulge in unhealthy and unproductive activities in the evening, when they’ve already made many decisions throughout the day. But you can prevent that from happening by automating some decisions you have to make daily. Take your meals, for example. It’s much easier to decide to eat the same thing every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And just stick to it. That will save you so much time and worries in the future. And you’ll finally have a meal plan. You can also set fixed hours for going to bed and waking up. That leads to a structured day and better personal organization. I personally like how many successful people wear the same thing every day. Not having to decide what to wear takes away the stress about it. I have implemented that for myself and have seen the results.

3. Be positive about the outcome.

No matter what you choose, you can always make the best of it. How we handle life is all about our attitude towards it and how we react to what happens to us. So be optimistic. Know that you’re doing your best and no decision can make you regret that.

4. Learn from your mistakes.

Every bad choice in life results in experience and knowledge. We can move on knowing what we shouldn’t do next time, and that makes things so much easier. Don’t feel bad about what you did wrong. Don’t take it personally either. Simply decide not to do the same thing again.

5. Let your decisions resonate with your goals in life.

Goal-oriented individuals are more decisive. That’s because they’ve figured out what they want, and what they don’t want, and remind themselves of that daily. You can do it too. Be specific about your dreams and goals. Write them down and see what you need to do and who you need to become to get there. Then, whenever you face a challenge and need to take a decision, do it while keeping your goal in mind. This way there won’t be any doubt as always one of the possible choices will be related to your life goals.

6. Trust your instincts.

Often other people will try to interfere, to talk you out of something you truly want, or else. But you shouldn’t let them. Even if they love you and want to see you succeed. That’s your path to walk and only you can make the right decision. But there’s always a next one so you need to keep going. Trust your intuition more than you trust other people and factors. Stop looking out for signs from the universe or asking people to make a choice on your behalf. Instead, get to know your inner self better. It already knows the answer. You just need to get to it.

7. Be confident.

Confidence is a powerful skill and helps in many situations. A confident person feels comfortable in his skin, is sure in his abilities, and that helps him let go of doubts and insecurity. He knows he has what it takes to succeed and even if he fails, he’ll try again. That’s why a higher self-esteem leads to being more decisive too. So work on your confidence.

8. Be selective.

Understand that you can’t have it all, and you don’t need to. Some people want to choose all the possible options at once. But it just won’t work like that. Our time and focus are limited. So we need to be selective in life and make sure we don’t dedicate too much energy to meaningless stuff. Choose what’s important to you, what has worked in the past, what feels right in this moment, and what you feel confident is good for you. That’s how you start making decisions more easily and make sure you won’t regret the outcome. What else helps you be more decisive in daily life? Featured photo credit: the road more travelled/Simon G via flickr.com