9 Tips to Lose Weight No Matter How Busy You Are | Mind Body Green 2. Put yourself first. Stressful situations can take your focus away from properly caring for yourself. 3. Eat whole, fresh foods in a rainbow of colors. Generally, the fewer foods you consume that come in a box or have a label, the healthier you’re eating. 4. Eat mindfully. Don’t watch TV and eat. Pay attention to what you’re eating. 5. Have a purpose for doing all this. Give yourself a fresh start. If it helps, start with the end in mind and think about how you want to feel when this year concludes 6. Set a simple routine and stick to it. One great way to kill your confidence is to constantly start and stop your fitness regimen. 7. Set rules that work for you. Figure out how often you will work out, the bad habits you are willing to give up and the good habits you will start. 8. Be open to surprising yourself. Think about how you feel when you finish an intense workout, run a mile when you never have before, finish a new weight lifting routine, or venture to a new fitness class you haven’t tried before. 9. Don’t chase perfect, chase perfectly healthy. Chasing some idealized vision of perfect doesn’t set people up to have healthy self-images or achievable goals.